What the clients say

Below is a few of the many written comments and reviews clients have given.

Adam Poole
July 4, 2024

Really supportive and does the trick for boosting your confidence - definitely recommend!

Peter Smith
May 31, 2024

I find Nicole, her therapy room and the Roffey site where it is located perfect for me. The room and site is calming, relaxing and provides a good background and start. And Nicole is an excellent and gentle listener; I can relax and engage easily. And, afterwards, I come away with her words and advice on my mobile to listen to again when needed, so the treatment value extends beyond the hour or so I spend in her room.

Neil Davey
May 30, 2024

Nicola was able to help me resolve a problem I have had for more than twenty years in just two sessions. I can highly recommend her. Thanks Nicola!

Mark Brown
December 11, 2023

I highly recommend Nicole. She happily took on my request for bespoke therapy. Nicole has a thorough knowledge of her field, and is a very pleasant person to work with as a client. 5 stars

Matthew O'Riordan
November 22, 2023

I went to Nicole after struggling with anxiety for most of my life. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised! From the first session alone I could feel positive changes. Nicole is very empathetic and smart. I felt that she really understood my issues and gave me the strength to deal with and overcome them. I loved chatting with her and felt so positive after each session. She really has changed my life. I can deal with life so much more easily now and I’m full of energy and positivity which I never used to have. I highly recommend her. Thank you Nicole!

Mary (West Sussex)
July 10, 2023

I went to Nicole for five session for weight loss and am so pleased. The sessions were really enjoyable and relaxing but I came away buzzing. There have been so many positive changes. We never really spoke about food but I have managed to stop snacking without even feeling deprived. Should have done it sooner.

Alex Severn
May 9, 2023

A true inspiration and highly skilled. Nicole is very empathetic and has helped me greatly.

Susan Wilson
May 4, 2023

I went to see Nicole as I was suffering from anxiety after receiving a diagnosis of some chronic conditions. Through our work together I learned to calm my brain, eliminate the anxiety and change my way of thinking. It was life changing!

Gemma Coomber
March 7, 2023

Nicole was very professional with my 6 year old daughter. She was kind and listened to her. Gave us both good ideas on dealing with her panic attacks and anxiety.

An Ordinary Woman
December 6, 2022

I know I needed someone that listens. When you needed a helping hand this is the best place to go. Highly recommend the services.

If I had not had hypnotherapy myself I wouldn't have believed it can work. Nicole has a great way of understanding my situation and how she can help, she has empathy, a warmth and is easy to talk to. It is amazing the difference it has made for me. I would highly recommend Nicole.

Karen Ward
October 24, 2022

Myself and my son have both been to see Nicole and she helped us hugely with a fear of heights and anxiety. I didn’t know what to expect having never had hypnotherapy before, but she immediately put us at ease and is clearly passionate about helping people and is very knowledgeable. I would 100% recommend anyone to try hypnotherapy with Nicole.

Marie Taylor
June 15, 2021
Mick Heaver
April 26, 2021

I came to see Nicole for hypnotherapy to help me overcome an issue I had with frivolous spending. I have lived with this for over 20yrs and had never considered hypnotherapy as a suitable avenue to pursue to overcome it. How wrong I was. Why didn't I do this sooner?? I had a single session lasting 1.5hrs and my "problem/issue" has gone. I am still amazed at just how effective the treatment was/is. I think I assumed this wasn't an issue that could be solved with the help of someone else but that couldn't have been further from the truth. I would happily recommend anyone to try hypnotherapy with Nicole. It has been a genuinely life changing experience for me - Thank you

Danny Widdowson
October 12, 2019

I’d seen Nicole once before and with her help I’d managed to stop smoking cannabis for nearly 3 years. After my father passed away I resorted to drink and drugs again, mainly smoking cannabis. It got to a point where I was spending £500 a month smoking from the moment I woke up to the last thing before bed. The thought of being without it for even a day was horrifying. I didn’t know where to start and didn’t want to pick up the phone so I used the contact form on Nicole’s website, and via email we arranged a time for Nicole to phone me. I needn’t have worried as Nicole was so understanding and supportive I arranged a session with Nicole in which we discussed what was worrying me and why I was smoking. I’m not sure I really understood the reasons myself before seeing Nicole Nicole explained it was understandable to be feeling this way also showed me techniques to reduce the stress and channel my thoughts and feelings. Nicole explained that through hypnosis we would aim to completely stop my smoking but that if I did have a setback not to be too hard on myself After the hypnosis session the first few days were still difficult but by using the techniques and planning alternative things to do (gym, cinema, and visiting friends) they were so much easier than I was thinking before the session It’s now 4 weeks on and I’m completely drug free, healthier and enjoying life again. I can’t thank Nicole enough and would recommend her to anyone considering any sort of hypnotherapy Danny

Cheryl Dean
December 28, 2018

I would highly recommend Nicole. She helped me learn how to deal with a big fear and gave me some fantastic tips. I have always been worried about the delivery of a baby. I hoped that once falling pregnant that I would overcome my fear. That was not the case and I found myself becoming more anxious. My midwife recommend Nicole to me, as soon as we spoke I felt at ease that hypnobirthing was a technique that would work for me. In my first session I felt relaxed and took the the tips home with me where I practised calming my self down and going to my happy place. During the five sessions I became more positive about the experience. I had a elective C- Section for the delivery. I was really scared on the day of the delivery but once I walked in to surgery the team there encouraged me to go to my happy place and with that I calmed down. I was then able to enjoy the arrival of my baby (06/04/2018). The skills Nicole showed me have not just been used for childbirth but also for other situations. I recently attended a funeral and found that I was able to remain controlled using the breathing technique shown to me.

December 23, 2018

I always have run at a high levels of stress and anxiety. I looked up absoluteU when it got to a new and distressing level. No energy, poor sleep, heart palpitations, crying all the time and a complete lack of confidence. It was affecting the quality of my life. I decided something had to change, and it was worth investing in an intervention. My hope was to just have my brain rewired through the hypnosis, but I got so much more than that. We discussed strategies to manage my anxieties day to day, techniques to quiet the mind before trying to sleep, I took on visualisation from the scripts to unload burdens. I can remember how I was on session 1, crying and 3, smiling again, I felt like a different person. AbsoluteU provides genuine compassionate care to assist you to make positive changes to your life.

Miles & Vivienne Davis
December 11, 2018

I have a fear of heights and after seeing Nicole was able to go up in the cable car and enjoy the experience

Simon Kennedy
December 10, 2018

Nicole is an incredible person. She helped me overcome a number of issues that were taunting me for years, work related stresses and childhood torments. Nicole taught me how to compartmentalise and to release anxiety around these issues. Simply brilliant and to the point.

Hypnotherapy with Flying and Heights “I couldn’t wait to tell you how much difference you have made to me. Since you hypnotised me for my fear of flying, I have flown three times. Firstly, I went by plane to Venice and back on a cruise without any problems and managed to stay calm and almost enjoyed the flight. I also had a day trip which involved getting in a cable car and I am proud to say that I got on the cable car without any problems both up and down. Since this holiday I have flown two more times and this summer I am planning to fly to Crete. The world is my oyster now, thanks to you. I really can’t thank you enough and would like to wish you every success, you deserve it.” A.S.

Hypnotherapy and Heights “I was so scared of heights, next thing I know I’m at the top of Wembley Stadium, then can you believe it I’m swinging on ropes between trees at Go Ape!”K.W.

Hypnobirthingotherapy – Hypnotherapy for Childbirth “Hypnobirthing made me feel so more relaxed and in control with my second pregnancy. It provided me with the confidence to go within my body and trust my natural instincts. It also gave me an inner peace which made bonding and getting to know my new baby a much more enjoyable experience. It also gave me the ability and confidence to respond to my new world with two children and all the emotions and responsilbilities attatched, an altogether different experience to the first time round. Nicole has a natural ability through her calming and comforting manner and her carefully planned and thought out sessions which reassured me everytime.E.M” “Hypnobirthing to me is something that all women should be made aware about when embarking on this truly magical journey of bringing new life to the world.E.M”

I still can’t believe that I no longer snack on sweets and crisps, it’s quite amazing how you can change your lifestyle just by seeing food for what it really is and not for what it could substitute. Thankyou so much I feel healthier and fitter than I can remember.” G.W

I always tell any pregnant woman about hynobirthing because it’s the best way to have a baby. The method is useful for visits to the dentist and for headaches. P.B.

“Just thought I would give you a little update… I am now 2 and a half stone lighter than when I met you!. I’m feeling and looking so much better, I’. at the gym 4 times a week and drink enough water to sink a ship!. Thanks to you my new year is looking so much brighter!. Making my way down that road .” A F.L

“Hi Nicole, I would like to thank you very much for your therapy. I found your techniques very helpful, they improved my sleep and each time I got anxious I immediately put one of your procedures into action before the anxiety could take over, and it certainly helped. I’m sure I will be using them again.” M.S

After suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for 24 years my body was physically and mentally exhausted. With the severity of these attacks increasing due to a marriage breakdown, they started to manifest themselves into different areas of my life, where never present before. It was then I decided to seek help. Thank you for showing me coping mechanisms to use when needed. Thank you for the hypnotherapy – the only time I really ever get to relax. And thank you for listening to me and letting me rant….. You are kind and caring and have helped me a lot. Although not cured, I feel I am now equipped with the tools to help me progress. Once the divorce has been finalised, life has calmed and I can concentrate on myself, I will be back for some more treatment.

I can’t believe the difference you’ve made. Since a young age I haven’t been able to deal with heights and now I’ve just been up the Alps on both a ski lift and cable car and I faced outwards. The world’s my oyster now . Thankyou. V.S

Definitely helped me a lot!
I was pregnant with my first baby and absolutely petrified of giving birth. I had suffered with anxiety throughout my pregnancy but I knew I wanted a natural water birth but I just felt like I wouldn’t cope with the anxiety and birth. I then made the decision to visit AbsoluteU after some research. I was a bit apprehensive about whether it would help me and nervous attending the first session, but my husband was able to sit in with me. I was so pleased I decided to go, I felt a lot calmer after each session and when my baby came 2 weeks early I was so relaxed about it and subconsciously all the work I can done paid off. I was not anxious about giving birth at all when the time came and even did it with no pain relief! I would highly recommend!

Would recommend?: Yes

Genuine compassionate care
I always have run at a high levels of stress and anxiety. I looked up absoluteU when it got to a new and distressing level. No energy, poor sleep, heart palpitations, crying all the time and a complete lack of confidence. It was effecting the quality of my life. I decided something had to change, and it was worth investing in an intervention. My hope was to have my brain rewired through the hypnosis, but I got so much more than that.

We discussed strategies to manage my anxieties day to day, techniques to quiet the mind before trying to sleep, I took on visualisation from the scripts to unload burdens.
I can remember how I was on session 1, crying and 3, smiling again, I felt like a different person.

AbsoluteU provides genuine compassionate care to assist you to make positive changes to your life.

Would recommend?: Yes

Helped my problem
I have a fear of heights and after seeing Nicole was able to go up in the cable car and enjoy the experience

Very happy
I was suffering with severe anxiety and panic attacks and I am very happy I booked in for hypnotherapy with you. I refer all my friends/family etc to book in.
I learnt and I am still learning how to control my own mind and it gave me a completely different outlook on life.
I will continue to practice the exercises that we went through during my appointments.
Thank you for everything…you were fantastic.

With help from Nicole, I am now able to do some of the things I used to do before my anxiety/phobia.
I came to Nicole for help with Emetophobia, which was controlling my life and stopping me from being able to do all of the things I would never have give a second thought before.
I felt miserable, like I was trapped by my anxiety and talking through it with Nicole was such a great help.
She has given me various ways of controlling my anxiety and not just temporarily, I now know more about my anxiety and why it occurs, so I can better figure out how to stop it before it starts! I apply these techniques to every kind of anxiety/stress in my life, not just the emetophobia.
Whilst my struggle with anxiety and emetophobia aren’t over, I am now doing things I would never have even considered a couple of years, or even months ago.

Amazing! A Life Changing session that put my addiction behind me

I’d seen Nicole once before and with her help I’d managed to stop smoking cannabis for nearly 3 years.
After my father passed away I resorted to drink and drugs again, mainly smoking cannabis. It got to a point where I was spending £500 a month smoking from the moment I woke up to the last thing before bed. The thought of being without it for even a day was horrifying.
I didn’t know where to start and didn’t want to pick up the phone so I used the contact form on Nicole’s website, and via email we arranged a time for Nicole to phone me. I needn’t have worried as Nicole was so understanding and supportive
I arranged a session with Nicole in which we discussed what was worrying me and why I was smoking. I’m not sure I really understood the reasons myself before seeing Nicole
Nicole explained it was understandable to be feeling this way also showed me techniques to reduce the stress and channel my thoughts and feelings. Nicole explained that through hypnosis we would aim to completely stop my smoking but that if I did have a setback not to be too hard on myself
After the hypnosis session the first few days were still difficult but by using the techniques and planning alternative things to do (gym, cinema, and visiting friends) they were so much easier than I was thinking before the session
It’s now 4 weeks on and I’m completely drug free, healthier and enjoying life again. I can’t thank Nicole enough and would recommend her to anyone considering any sort of hypnotherapy

Permanent weight loss and peace at last!

I can now control my cravings and enjoy eating a meal instead of dreading all the decision making that used to entail. I have lost weight slowly and permanently whilst enjoying food like never before. I feel like my whole brain is on my side rooting for me now, instead of my own internal monologue fighting against me. For anyone who feels they can’t reverse all the years of putting on weight my advice is get it fixed once and for all. It’s so much easier than you think. You won’t regret it.

Life Saver

Nicole has literally improved my life! She taught me so many ways to deal with my anxiety and now my quality of life has greatly improved!

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Hypnotherapy & CBT in Horsham , Crawley, West Sussex - Therapy Horsham
Average rating:  
 17 reviews
 by Peter Smith

I find Nicole, her therapy room and the Roffey site where it is located perfect for me. The room and site is calming, relaxing and provides a good background and start. And Nicole is an excellent and gentle listener; I can relax and engage easily. And, afterwards, I come away with her words and advice on my mobile to listen to again when needed, so the treatment value extends beyond the hour or so I spend in her room.

 by Neil Davey

Nicole was able to help me resolve a problem I have had for more than twenty years in just two sessions. I can highly recommend her. Thanks Nicole!


 by Matthew O'Riordan

I went to Nicole after struggling with anxiety for most of my life. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised! From the first session alone I could feel positive changes. Nicole is very empathetic and smart. I felt that she really understood my issues and gave me the strength to deal with and overcome them. I loved chatting with her and felt so positive after each session. She really has changed my life. I can deal with life so much more easily now and I’m full of energy and positivity which I never used to have. I highly recommend her. Thank you Nicole!

 by Celia Bryant
Help with Insomnia

My teenage son was suffering from Chronic Insomnia. Through her sessions, Nicole was able to help him with his condition and he managed to regulate his sleep pattern. We were so pleased with the progress he made. I cannot recommend Nicole highly enough. She is extremely professional, very approachable and has a very friendly manner.
Nicole is very approachable, she puts you at ease

 by Mary Farrell

I went to Nicole for five session for weight loss and am so pleased. The sessions were really enjoyable and relaxing but I came away buzzing. There have been so many positive changes. We never really spoke about food but I have managed to stop snacking without even feeling deprived. Should have done it sooner.

 by Susan Wilson

I went to see Nicole as I was suffering from anxiety after receiving a diagnosis of some chronic conditions. Through our work together I learned to calm my brain, eliminate the anxiety and change my way of thinking. It was life changing!

 by D La Mancusa

Hi Nicole, I have just landed in Brazil and we had turbulence for more than half the flight. We landed with less than one mile visibility by instruments and I coped really well. I want to share this and Thank You.

 by Gemma Coomber
Helped us both

Nicole was very professional with my 6 year old daughter. She was kind and listened to her. Gave us both good ideas on dealing with her panic attacks and anxiety.

 by Karen Ward
100% recommend

Myself and my son have both been to see Nicole and she helped us hugely with a fear of heights and anxiety. I didn’t know what to expect having never had hypnotherapy before, but she immediately put us at ease and is clearly passionate about helping people and is very knowledgeable. I would 100% recommend anyone to try hypnotherapy with Nicole.

 by Jennifer Wood
Amazing results

If I had not had hypnotherapy myself I wouldn't have believed it can work. Nicole has a great way of understanding my situation and how she can help, she has empathy, a warmth and is easy to talk to. It is amazing the difference it has made for me. I would highly recommend Nicole.

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