Free Hypnobirthing – 1 hour Session
Calling all pregnant ladies in Horsham, West Sussex!!
The thought of childbirth can create many apprehensions and fears within the mind even though the creation of life is wonderful in itself. Hypnotherapy helps the mother to relax in both mind and body and also prepare for the whole process and associated issues.
Hypnotherapy can help to shorten labour, decrease the use of medication for pain relief, reduce post-operative effects and prepare you for emotions and feelings throughout and after the birth of the child. Another very important benefit of the Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis is the marked promotion of the Apgar score upon the birth and this is the medical profession’s evaluation of how well the baby is at birth.
“By relaxing in mind, you relax in body and baby senses calm.”
Because of all the benefits to the new mother and family, AbsoluteU Hypnobirthing are providing this free hypnobirthing 1 hour session.
Book Your Free Hypnobirthing Session
So book your appointment today to find out how AbsoluteU Hypnobirthing can help you relax and enjoy your new baby
CALL TODAY: 07909 992635 / 01403 267276
Subject to availability, conditions apply