Anxiety – Ditch The Myth

Ditch The Myth (Anxiety is a part of you)

How many times do I hear a client say they think or have been told that they have an anxious personality that is part of them and probably always will be?

Too many to mention!!!!! anxiety horsham, crawley, west sussex

But ask yourself these questions

“Were you born anxious?”


“Could you have learnt to be anxious?”

We learn an abundance of information and behaviours over time and the more we believe and enact the behaviours, the stronger they become to the point it can feel natural within us. The more you do something it becomes habitual and consciously you may not even be aware.

Now this can happen in good and bad ways.

Think about when you were young and you had to learn how to walk………anxiety learnt horsham, crawley, west sussex

…… do you even have to think about how to walk now? NO it’s a completely subconscious response for you.

Negative behaviours can also develop to become subconscious reactions and subsequently the feelings that attach themselves too.

I feel the Anxiety growing in me

I want you to imagine that an event happens that makes you feel uncomfortable and questioning such as walking down the road and waving to a friend who is passing by on the other side and they just carry on walking with no response. Now imagine the anxious questions that could be floating through your mind because of this “What have I done wrong?”, “Why are they ignoring me?” and so forth.

Because of these anxious questions you can then develop anxious feelings (stomach uneasy, heart rate increasing, etc.)

Now imagine that the very next day you walk along the same road and start to wonder if you will see that friend again and will they ignore you again. Immediately, you are giving attention to this thought and increasing its’ strength along with the attached negative feelings as well. The pattern can then continue and continue until it becomes an underlying belief inside of you causing an underlying anxiety.

How can I be free of Anxiety

free from anxiety horsham, crawley, west sussexHypnotherapy can make the changes you desire. By understanding on a conscious level the inconclusiveness of the belief i.e. the friend walking down the road probably didn’t even see you as they were immersed in their own troubles and feelings and then developing new thought behaviours on a subconscious level to substantiate rationale and look for proof of the beliefs.

Imagine being able to look at life in a different way, a more positive and upbeat way, a way in which the good things in life outshine the negatives …. then imagine how that would make you feel !!!!

Anxiety needn’t be a part of you because you can learn how to lose it ….. CHANGE TODAY !!!!!!!

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