The Gift of Change is an ideal gift for someone who is struggling with their personal life emotionally or with problem behaviors? Inclusive of the powerful combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), this gift can give the insight and tools for change. How wouldContinue Reading

Get your FREE technique to manage your feelings and thoughts with SAD. Seasonal Adjustment Disorder otherwise known as SAD or Winter Depression is a type of depression which is often encountered during the winter months. However, it can also be encountered in other months. Chemicals produced by the brain suchContinue Reading

Mental Health Care struggle The BBC have published results from the Royal College or Psychiatrists and NHS Digital regarding Mental Health Care. These show the demand of requests for health conditions such as Anxiety and Depression are at a record high. In 2021 there were 4.3 million referrals of whichContinue Reading

Fear of flying Fear of flying otherwise known as aerophobia is more prevalent than you think within the population. It is one of the most common phobias and it is estimated that 1 in 10 people suffer from some form of flight anxiety. Even though flying is proven to be oneContinue Reading

Anxious Thoughts – Top Tips To Free Your Mind There you go again …. a mind busy with thought upon thought …. buzz, buzz, buzz, a hive of anxious thoughts and activity, unwilling to pause for a moment. Does this sound like you? Well, if it does, how do you thinkContinue Reading

Out with the Old- In with the New You In the New Year we can often question where we want to be, how we want to feel and when are we going to achieve this? So whether the new you is to : OVERCOME ANXIETY – start to feel calmContinue Reading

Anxiety and Depression – Selena Gomez speaks out Anxiety and depression can make you feel isolated and withdrawn from society, however, whatever you may feel …. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Imagine if you were visiting your local supermarket for your weekly shop. All around you are people busy getting onContinue Reading