The Gift of Change is an ideal gift for someone who is struggling with their personal life emotionally or with problem behaviors? Inclusive of the powerful combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), this gift can give the insight and tools for change. How wouldContinue Reading

Get your FREE technique to manage your feelings and thoughts with SAD. Seasonal Adjustment Disorder otherwise known as SAD or Winter Depression is a type of depression which is often encountered during the winter months. However, it can also be encountered in other months. Chemicals produced by the brain suchContinue Reading

Pregnancy Anxiety Pregnancy Anxiety develops easily when there is a fear of the unknown and also when there is a fear of a previous experience repeating itself. So you can see how quickly pregnancy anxiety can manifest when you are pregnant whether it’s your first baby or fourth! You mayContinue Reading

Can hypnosis really beat the pain of having babies? The NHS thinks so Hypnosis for Birth – The Mail On Sunday 3/7/16 Adding compliment to the announcement that the NHS are to offer £3000 to pregnant mums (23/2/16) to enable them to plan the births of their children includingContinue Reading

Free Hypnobirthing – 1 hour Session Calling all pregnant ladies in Horsham, West Sussex!! The thought of childbirth can create many apprehensions and fears within the mind even though the creation of life is wonderful in itself. Hypnotherapy helps the mother to relax in both mind and body and also prepare forContinue Reading