Free Hypnobirthing – 1 hour Session Calling all pregnant ladies in Horsham, West Sussex!! The thought of childbirth can create many apprehensions and fears within the mind even though the creation of life is wonderful in itself. Hypnotherapy helps the mother to relax in both mind and body and also prepare forContinue Reading

FREE Weight Loss Tips It’s that time of the year when we start to think of all the festivities and occasions where excess food is consumed. So instead of the “New Year Diet” how about start to lose weight now in a way where you can still appreciate, participate andContinue Reading

Weight Loss for Xmas                                 Do you want to lose weight ?                               Do you want to look good ?                                       Do you want to feel good ? With just a few weeks until Christmas Festivity it’s a good time to look forward to feeling really good and change your lifestyle for good.Continue Reading